Rhythm in Birth

Hello! My name is Kelsey, and I am so excited to introduce myself to you!

During the day, I am a practicing mental health therapist with a specific interest in serving the perinatal population. This work has inspired me to pursue doula training, so that I can more directly support women and families as they navigate the powerful experience of pregnancy and birth. 

My goal is to help you have a birth that feels empowering, safe, and thoughtful. You can expect that I will provide evidence-based and non-judgmental support to help you create and actualize a birth plan that meets your needs. I am an excellent listener and calm presence who can help guide you (and your partner) through this transition to a new definition of family. I understand how intensely emotional this transition can be, and you can trust that I have the experience to navigate those emotions with you. 

Birthing Together Includes

  • Two Prenatal Consultations

    In order for birth to be an empowering experience, I want us to feel prepared as a team.

    Prenatal consultations can take place wherever is most convenient for you and include:

    Education about what to expect at birth.

    Getting to know each other! Birth is an intimate experience and I want you and your partner to feel safe inviting me into it.

    Inventory of resources that feel most supportive to you in labor.

    Support in writing + reviewing birth preferences.

    Phone and text check-ins throughout.

  • Continuous Labor Support

    I’m here when you need me - whether that is more hands-on support or advocating for you and your partner at your birthing place.

    I view my role as being a calming and steadying presence for both you and your partner.

    I only schedule one birth a month which allows me to be dedicated to this journey with you.

  • Postpartum Visit

    This visit looks different for everyone and is based off what you need in the first week or so postpartum. It may include:

    Processing of your Birth Story.

    Connecting you with resources.

    Hold baby while you have a moment for self-care.

    Making the coffee?

    I am here to support you and your family in the transition of welcoming a new baby into your home and heart.

  • Relationship Check-Up

    The transition to parenthood creates unexpected shifts in identity, partnership, and expectations. So much energy goes into pregnancy, birth and baby, that most couples forget about setting aside intentional time to care for their relationship, leading to disconnection and distress.

    To set you up for success, as part of your Birth Package, you get a 60 minute consultation with Emily Gibbs, LAMFT ($200 value) at any point during your pregnancy and first year postpartum.

    This can take place in-home or virtually.

Interested in learning more?

Let’s schedule a time to meet.

Rhythm in Birth, LLC